Trends in EU energy grids regulation
Trends in EU energy grids regulation : dossier. Chair Management of Networks Industries MIR, vol. 15, n° 2, 2013.
Presentation (© EPFL) :
Which regulatory tools are best equipped on the national as well as European level to create functioning EU-wide electricity and gas market infrastructures, as well as address the urgent need to make grids fit for the future? This issue looks at three topics that describe current trends in energy grids regulation. Firstly, it looks at the question whether and how the EU should be involved in the electricity and natural gas transmission grid tarification, to allow for fair competition and the right investment signals. Secondly, the issue looks at the significant role offshore wind farms play for the accomplishment of the EU energy and climate objectives and the possible EU policy actions that could support the investment in offshore wind farms as well as their connection to the grid. Thirdly, the issue proposes a cost- benefit method to evaluate and compare electricity transmission and storage projects in the context of the recently adopted Energy Infrastructure Package… read more
Contents :
- EU Involvement in Electricity and Natural Gas Transmission Grid Tarification / Sophia Ruester, Claudio Marcantonini, Xian He, Jonas Egerer, Christian von Hirschhausen, and Jean-Michel Glachant
- Offshore Grids: Towards a least regret EU policy / Leonardo Meeus, François Lévêque, Isabel Azevedo, Marcelo Saguan and Jean-Michel Glachant
- Cost Benefit Analysis in the context of the Energy Infrastructure Package / Leonardo Meeus, Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, Isabel Azevedo, Xian He, Luis Olmos, and Jean-Michel Glachant
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Danièle Revel (17 janvier 2014). Trends in EU energy grids regulation. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse