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Energy Economic Development in Europe

Energy Economic Development in Europe.  Brussels : European Commission, January 2014, 154 p. – ISBN: 978-92-79-35345-1

The study assesses the development in different aspects of the EU energy system both at aggregate and at Member States level and carries out a comparison with key international competitors.

“Energy is an important issue in the macroeconomic surveillance of Member States. It affects the macroeconomic performance through several channels, the main one being the link to competitiveness, since energy costs affect the production costs of industries and services, as well as the purchasing power of households and the overall external balance. The report “Energy Economic Development in Europe” provides analysis and evidence for the economic impact of energy cost developments, including the energy and climate policy, in EU Member States, over the past few years…” read more (EC press release 22/01/2014)

–> All European Commission’s documents related to Energy and climate goals for 2030 can be found here :

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Danièle Revel (24 janvier 2014). Energy Economic Development in Europe. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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