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The EMF28 study on scenarios for transforming the European energy system

The EMF28 study on scenarios for transforming the European energy system. Climate Change Economics, vol. 4, supp. 1, November 2013, special issue.

Introduction to the EMF study (© J. Weyant, B. Knopf, E. De Cian, I. Keppo, D. P. van Vuuren) :

This special issue of Climate Change Economics presents the views regarding the aforementioned questions of the EMF28 study of the Stanford Energy Modeling Forum (EMF). EMF employs an international expert platform to improve the understanding of important energy and environmental problems by comparing different modeling approaches and results.
The main objective of the EMF28 study is to provide insights into the debate of the long-term and near-term climate and energy strategies in Europe and address questions related to emission reduction targets, their timing, and technology mix in a way that can help to inform decision-makers in the climate policy arena… read more

Contents (Open source papers) :

  1. Introduction to the EMF28 study on scenarios for transforming the european energy system / John Weyant, Brigitte Knopf, Enrica De Cian, Ilkka Keppo, Detlef P. van Vuuren
  2. Beyond 2020 — Strategies and costs for transforming the european energy system / Brigitte Knopf, Yen-Heng Henry Chen, Enrica De Cian, Hannah Förster, Amit Kanudia, Ioanna Karkatsouli, Ilkka Keppo, Tiina Koljonen, Katja Schumacher, Detlef P. Van Vuuren
  3. European-led climate policy versus global mitigation action: implications on trade, technology, and energy / Enrica De Cian, Ilkka Keppo, Johannes Bollen, Samuel Carrara, Hannah Förster, Michael Hübler, Amit Kanudia, Sergey Paltsev, Ronald D. Sands, Katja Schumacher
  4. Cost concepts for climate change mitigation / Sergey Paltsev, Pantelis Capros
  5. European energy efficiency and decarbonization strategies beyond 2030 — a sectoral multi-model decomposition / Hannah Förster, Katja Schumacher, Enrica De Cian, Michael Hübler, Ilkka Keppo, Silvana Mima, Ronald D. Sands
  6. Transforming the european energy system: member states’ prospects within the EU framework / Brigitte Knopf, Bjørn Bakken, Samuel Carrara, Amit Kanudia, Ilkka Keppo, Tiina Koljonen, Silvana Mima, Eva Schmid, Detlef P. Van Vuuren
  7. The infrastructure implications of the energy transformation in Europe until 2050 — lessons from the EMF28 modeling exercise / Franziska Holz, Christian Von Hirschhausen
  8. Market driven power plant investment perspectives in Europe: climate policy and technology scenarios until 2050 in the model EMELIE-ESY / A. Schröder, T. Traber, C. Kemfert

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (27 janvier 2014). The EMF28 study on scenarios for transforming the European energy system. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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