The politics of renewable energy
The politics of renewable energy / James Bushnell, Energy Economics Exchange, 26/01/2014
I found yesterday’s NY Times article on the shifting politics of renewable energy morbidly fascinating on both a political and economic level. Basically the article pieces together anecdotes of odd-couple political alliances between renewable energy boosters and Republicans, Libertarians (e.g. Barry Goldwater Jr.), or Tea Party stripes. My reaction was that the Times seems to have found a collection of Republicans who want to support renewable energy for all the wrong reasons. Barry Goldwater seems to see renewable energy as a freedom issue and solar panels as sticking it to the man – where the man in this case is the electric utility…
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Danièle Revel (30 janvier 2014). The politics of renewable energy. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse