Energy Efficiency and Conservation: New Tools and Opportunities
Energy Efficiency and Conservation: New Tools and Opportunities / John C. Dernbac, Robert B. McKinstry Jr., Darin Lowder. Widener Law School Legal Studies, Feb. 2011, 18 p. (Research Paper No. 11-06)
Many new and ambitious energy efficiency and conservation laws are being enacted at all levels of government – and with greater financial incentives than provided previously. These innovations are intended to overcome or minimize market barriers such as principal-agent problems, information and transaction costs, high internal discount rates, and up-front capital needs that discourage cost-saving investments. Innovations such as public-private partnerships also require significant legal input and creativity for the client to reap the often remarkably large energy and cost savings. This article reviews a range of these tools, especially financial legal mechanisms, that could help significantly reduce U.S. energy consumption. (© authors)
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Danièle Revel (13 avril 2011). Energy Efficiency and Conservation: New Tools and Opportunities. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse