The Russian gas industry : challenges to the ‘Gazprom model’ ?
The Russian gas industry : challenges to the ‘Gazprom model’ ? / Catherine Locatelli. Post-Communist Economies, vol. 26, n° 1, March, pp. 53-66.
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Author’s abstract :
The Russian gas sector is undergoing significant changes which is opening the way for an original reform. Because of the particular institutional and economic context of the country, this reorganisation is not taking place along the lines of the de-integrated model of the EU. It is characterised by increasingly significant competitive fringes. Gazprom remains the main actor of the Russian gas industry but the company is facing challenges on its main export market and an increasing competition at home with the arrival of new gas firms, independents and Russian oil companies. For Gazprom, the aim issue is to develop more flexible strategies for export markets but also on its internal market. These internal changes will not be without consequence on the country’s export strategy and the implication for international markets could be considerable.
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Danièle Revel (26 février 2014). The Russian gas industry : challenges to the ‘Gazprom model’ ? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse