Abolishing oil indexation in gas contracts: Is it the cure-all?
Abolishing oil indexation in gas contracts: Is it the cure-all? / Julian Wieczorkiewicz. Bruxelles : CEPS, Commentary, 3/03/2014, 3 p.
Recently, the EU energy debate has been dominated by the discussion on energy prices and the competitiveness of the European industry. According to the latest estimates of the International Energy Agency, gas prices in the US are one-quarter of those in Europe. Moreover, prices of imported gas vary across the EU member states.
Some EU policy-makers hope that the completion of the internal energy market and the transition to hub-based pricing will solve these discrepancies. Julian Wieczorkiewicz asks in this Commentary whether the abolition of oil-indexation will constitute a cure-all for the above-mentioned problems…
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Danièle Revel (5 mars 2014). Abolishing oil indexation in gas contracts: Is it the cure-all? Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oawj