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Carbon leakage: Options for the EU

Carbon leakage: Options for the EU / Andrei Marcu, Christian Egenhofer, Susanna Roth & Wijnand Stoefs. Brussels : CEPS, March 2014, 70 p.

Presentation (© CEPS) :

This CEPS Special Report builds on the first deliverable of the project entitled “Carbon leakage: Options for the EU”. It identifies carbon costs, and the ability to pass through carbon costs, as the main risk factors that could lead from asymmetrical carbon policies to carbon leakage. It also outlines and evaluates, based on criteria discussed in the paper, options for detecting and mitigating the risk of carbon leakage in three jurisdictions, with special attention to the EU ETS (Emissions Trading Scheme).

Based on the analysis of approaches currently used in a number of existing carbon pricing systems, it identifies the balance between the number of sectors identified as being at risk, and the amount of compensation provided as a risk mitigation measure, as the critical element in providing an optimum approach to address carbon leakage risks. It also identifies a risk-based approach to identifying sectors at risk as allowing for a better reflection of reality in a counterfactual argument. Finally, the paper concludes that while, with some exceptions, there has been limited carbon leakage until now, the past may not be a good reflection of the future and that measures need to be put in place for the post-2020 period… read more

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (12 mars 2014). Carbon leakage: Options for the EU. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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