The effect of renewable energy development on carbon emission reduction
The effect of renewable energy development on carbon emission reduction: An empirical analysis for the EU-15 countries / Shahrouz Abolhosseini, Almas Heshmati & Jörn Altmann. Seoul National University, March 2014, 31 p. (Technology Management, Economics, and Policy Program Discussion Paper No. 2014:109)
Authors’s abstract:
The increased concerns about climate change have made renewable energy sources an important topic of research. Several scholars have applied different methodologies to examine the relationships between energy consumption and economic growth of individual and groups of countries and to analyze the environmental effects of energy policies. Previous studies have analyzed carbon emission savings, using renewable energy usage as an individual source or in combination with traditional sources of energy (e.g., hybrid plants) in connection with life-cycle analysis methods. It is shown that after a certain period, economic growth leads to the promotion of environmental quality. However, econometric modeling critiques have opposed the results of these studies. One reason is that the effectiveness of governance-related parameters has previously been neglected. In this research, we analyze the impact of renewable energy development on carbon emission reduction. We estimate a model to evaluate the effectiveness of renewable energy development, technological innovation, and market regulations in carbon emission reduction. The empirical results are based on a panel data estimation using the EU-15 countries data observed from 1995 to 2010. The elasticities of CO2 emissions are estimated, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of each parameter. The finding show that the effects of a negative climate change could be mitigated by governance-related parameters instead of economic development.
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Danièle Revel (18 mars 2014). The effect of renewable energy development on carbon emission reduction. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse