The natural gas revolution: Critical questions for a sustainable energy future
The natural gas revolution: Critical questions for a sustainable energy future / Alan J. Krupnick, Raymond J. Kopp, Kristin Hayes & Skylar Roeshot. Washington : Resources for the Future, March 2014, 44 p. (RFF Report)
(…) This report identifies 24 critical research questions in seven areas pertaining to the sustainable development of natural gas. Answering these questions would greatly enhance our knowledge of the domestic and global market for natural gas and the environmental implications of expanded gas extraction and use. This information would also be helpful for improving public policy on these issues.
There is a box around a question in each section—a short list of critical questions—for special attention. In our opinion, answering these questions would provide the highest value of information, increasing our knowledge by the greatest amount in each of the seven areas.
Moving forward, experts at RFF aim to undertake research in as many areas as possible, working with other researchers and knowledgeable stakeholders who are also seeking to reliably resolve many of these “known unknowns.” By working together, we can help to identify how to best utilize natural gas for long-term economic and environmental sustainability…
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Danièle Revel (26 mars 2014). The natural gas revolution: Critical questions for a sustainable energy future. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse