The role of support schemes for renewables in creating a meshed offshore grid
The role of support schemes for renewables in creating a meshed offshore grid / Fabio Genoese, Research Fellow. Brussels : CEPS, April 2014, 11 p.
North Sea states’ national support schemes for renewables are rather incompatible and represent a barrier to cooperation. More coherent support approaches to offshore wind projects will be conducive to the creation of a meshed offshore grid in the North Sea. Policymakers could resolve incompatibilities by prescribing common guidelines for national support schemes, focusing on common grid access rules and common price-setting mechanisms for certain renewable energy technologies. The institutional procedure set out in the Commission’s 2030 Climate and Energy package could enhance cooperation. (© CEPS)
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Danièle Revel (9 avril 2014). The role of support schemes for renewables in creating a meshed offshore grid. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse