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World Energy Perspective : Energy efficiency technologies

World Energy Perspective: Energy efficiency technologies. London : World Energy Council, March 2014

Presentation (© WEC) :

Energy efficient technologies can be found in all parts of the energy conversion chain: from exploration and production of primary energy resources, to power generation and oil refineries to electricity grids, to the final use in industry, buildings and transportation. But it is not only the technical potential which is crucial for successful introduction of energy efficient technologies. To assess the full potential of such technologies and identify the path towards their successful market introduction, it is necessary to consider their economic, realisable and also realistic potential.

This report summarises the outcomes of a pilot project launched by the World Energy Council Knowledge Network on Energy Efficient Technologies. This work, focused on technologies, complements the well-established WEC work on Energy Efficiency Policies and databases on Energy Efficiency Indicators and Policy measures.

→ Voir aussi :

The World Energy Council (WEC) and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) have partnered to conduct a comprehensive comparative study of the costs of electricity production from a wide range of conventional and non-conventional resources. The aim and the unique value proposition of the study is to provide reference costs based on real project data, focusing on the leading renewables and conventional technologies across the regions. The report covers utility-scale wind, solar PV and solar thermal, marine, biomass, hydro and geothermal. The Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) assessment shows that a range of costs of renewable energy technologies is considerably wider than costs of conventional technologies. The most mature renewable energy technologies, such as onshore wind, are today close to reaching parity with conventional fossil fuels, while emerging technologies such as marine tidal and wave are still at the early phases of development. (© WEC)

énergétique dans le monde : Ce qui marche et ce qui ne marche pas (résumé de l’étude, 28 p.)

The report, World Energy Perspective: Energy Efficiency Policies, is produced in collaboration with France’s energy and environment agency, ADEME. The report shows that more and more countries are now involved in energy efficiency policies, but also highlights numerous factors that have affected energy efficiency progress across 85 countries, representing more than 90% of global consumption. (© WEC)

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Danièle Revel (17 avril 2014). World Energy Perspective : Energy efficiency technologies. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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