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Comparing electricity production costs: Fossil fuels, wind, solar

Comparing electricity production costs: Fossil fuels, wind, solar / Timothy Taylor, Conversable Economist, 24/04/2014

To compare the costs of producing electricity in various ways, the U.S. Energy Information Administration uses what is called “levelized cost.” The idea is to consider the cost of building a new electricity-generating facility, thus using the most recent technology, and then using that plant to produce electricity for 30 years. Of course, some methods of producing electricity like solar and wind will have a high up-front cost, but then no additional cost for fuel. Other methods of producing electricity like coal or natural gas might have lower costs up-front, but then need to pay for fuel in the future. Looking at the levelized cost over 30 years is a framework that takes such differences into account…

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Danièle Revel (25 avril 2014). Comparing electricity production costs: Fossil fuels, wind, solar. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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