Towards a policy menu to strengthen the ambition to mitigate greenhouse gases
Towards a policy menu to strengthen the ambition to mitigate greenhouse gases / Niklas Höhne, Nadine Braun, Christian Ellermann & Kornelis Blok. Ecofys, March 2014, 24 p.
This paper proposes a “policy menu approach” to the UN climate negotiations held in Bonn 10 to 14 March. The negotiations for a new international climate agreement in 2015 seek innovative ways to increase short term and long term mitigation momentum are needed. The paper proposes to develop a policy menu to strengthen the ambition to mitigate greenhouse gases that integrates best practice policies with options for international financial and technical support. The policy menu would enable countries to identify, sign up for and receive support to implement proven policies and concepts in high impact areas. The proposal builds on a proposal of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) to UN climate negotiations, as well as the IEA World Energy Outlook Special Report “Redrawing the energy and climate map”. It was supported by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment of The Netherlands. (© Niklas Höhne)
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Danièle Revel (28 avril 2014). Towards a policy menu to strengthen the ambition to mitigate greenhouse gases. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse