Energy Policies of IEA Countries – The Netherlands 2014 Review
Energy Policies of IEA Countries – The Netherlands 2014 Review. Paris : IEA/OECD, 2014, 204 p.
Presentation (© IEA) :
Since the last review in 2008, the Netherlands has attracted investment in oil and gas storage; coal, oil and gas import terminals; and efficient power plants. This additional capacity provides flexibility and energy security both in the Netherlands and across EU markets. The Netherlands plays an important role in Europe as a hub for global energy trade, thanks to its open market and integrated supply chains.
However, the outlook for Europe’s second-largest producer of natural gas is challenging amid declining production and uncertain prospects for unconventional gas. Developing the remaining natural gas potential, market integration, and ensuring the security of supply and resilience of energy infrastructure during the transition should be top priorities.
The Netherlands stimulates energy efficiency and innovation in energy-intensive industries along the whole supply chain, notably in the Dutch refining, petrochemical and agriculture sectors, a practice that contributes to industrial competitiveness… read more
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Danièle Revel (9 mai 2014). Energy Policies of IEA Countries – The Netherlands 2014 Review. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse