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Why the best path to a low-carbon future is not wind or solar power

The net benefit of low and no-carbon electricity technologies / Charles R. Frank, Jr. Brookings Institution, May 2014, 38 p.

Presentation (© Charles Frank) :

This paper examines five different low and no-carbon electricity technologies and presents the net benefits of each under a range of assumptions. It estimates the costs per megawatt per year for wind, solar, hydroelectric, nuclear, and gas combined cycle electricity plants. To calculate these estimates, the paper uses a methodology based on avoided emissions and avoided costs, rather than comparing the more prevalent “levelized” costs… read more

Read also :

Why the best path to a low-carbon future is not wind or solar power / Charles Frank, PlanetPolicy, 20/05/2014

As the science on climate change and its impacts on the global economy become clearer and more urgent, governments are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The largest source of these emissions comes from the combustion of fossil fuels—including coal, oil and natural gas—to produce electricity, an effort that in 2012 made up about 40 percent of emissions globally and 32 percent in the United States…

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Danièle Revel (22 mai 2014). Why the best path to a low-carbon future is not wind or solar power. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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