The Good News About Gas
The Good News About Gas. The Natural Gas Revolution and Its Consequences / John Deutch. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2011.
“Good news about energy is rare. Energy use and its cost are rising worldwide, most countries remain dependent on oil imports, and little progress has been made toward curbing climate change. So the world should take notice of the recent dramatic increase in estimates of unconventional sources of natural gas in North America and elsewhere, perhaps the greatest shift in energy-reserve estimates in the last half century. In the past few years, thanks to technological advances, vast amounts of natural gas — particularly gas trapped in underground shale basins — have become economically viable…” lire le début de l’article sur le site de la revue
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Danièle Revel (12 janvier 2011). The Good News About Gas. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse