Cutting carbon pollution: The world is watching us
Cutting carbon pollution: The world is watching us / Peter Lehner, Executive Director of NRDC, the energy collective, 1/07/2014
World Cup fever is starting to take hold in the United States, grabbing public attention with the same urgency that it does in the rest of the world. It reminds me of another global event that’s also attained new levels of attention in the United States—climate change. Just as more American kids today are growing up playing soccer, they’re also growing up in a world where climate change is a reality, living through the extreme weather that is its hallmark. This generation of Americans is also starting to see what it takes to stop the damage: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced its intention earlier this month to set the first-ever national limits on climate-altering carbon pollution from existing power plants…
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Danièle Revel (2 juillet 2014). Cutting carbon pollution: The world is watching us. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse