Renewables in the EU: Policy performance, drivers and barriers
Renewables in the EU: Policy performance, drivers and barriers / Inga Boie, Anne Held, Mario Ragwitz & Fabio Genoese. Brussels : CEPS, June 2014, 16 p. (Policy brief)
Presentation (© CEPS) :
Fabio Genoese, Research Fellow at CEPS, has co-authored a Policy Brief with the DIA-CORE project, carried out under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Union. In the context of the project, the authors are carrying out a broad, quantitative assessment of the relevance of factors framing the diffusion of renewable energy technologies in the EU. The analysis covers both economic and non-economic factors and places particular emphasis on the relationship between them… read more
Key Messages and Recommendations :
- A clear and reliable policy framework is essential for the stable and sustainable diffusion of all renewable energy technologies. Sudden changes, including retroactive changes, should thus be avoided.
- Instruments that lead to strong market growth are also often economically efficient. Conversely, overcompensation does not necessarily result in strong market growth.
- Technology-specific support should be given in order to avoid windfall profits and to exploit the cost-reduction potential of current, less cost-efficient technologies.
- Predictable, transparent and continuous adaptations of support levels for dynamic technologies, such as solar PV, are required to limit policy support costs and to adapt to changing framework conditions. At the same time, long-term commitment, early communication of changes, including public participation in the design of the support scheme, helps to maintain a sound investment climate.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (2 juillet 2014). Renewables in the EU: Policy performance, drivers and barriers. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse