Energy supply security: The emergency response of IEA countries
Energy supply security: The emergency response of IEA countries / Jan Bartos and Andrew Robertson, coord. Paris : IEA, 2014, 606 p.
Presentation (© IEA) :
[The report] provides an overview of the most recent oil and natural gas emergency policy reviews of the 29 IEA member countries, as well as those of key partners such as Chile, China, India and ASEAN. The publication assesses each country’s emergency arrangements for security of supply of oil and gas, their stockholding structure, demand restraint measures and fuel switching capacity, and also provides a summary of energy security best practice amongst the IEA membership and beyond.
This publication also includes an overview of the electricity security assessment framework recently developed by the IEA for the purposes of strengthening countries’ electricity security.
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Danièle Revel (7 juillet 2014). Energy supply security: The emergency response of IEA countries. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse