BP Statistical review of world energy 2014
BP Statistical review of world energy 2014 : 63rd edition. BP, June 2014, 48 p.
Discours de Christof Rühl, économiste en chef de BP, à l’occasion de l’édition 2014 du rapport :
Introduction: the last ten years
The purpose of this review has always been to provide objective data on global energy developments; and to chronicle changes in global energy markets year by year, in as rigorous a fashion as possible. Here is last year’s chapter.
To begin with, let’s step back a little. Ten years ago, the energy world looked rather different. Much of what we took for granted has changed. It is always a good first step to look back at where you came from before assessing today. What have been some of the major changes over the past decade? Ten years ago, the developing world, classified here as non-OECD economies, had started to embark on a period of rapid economic growth (the term BRICs was coined in 2001). From 2001 onward, this showed up as an “energy gap” – global energy demand growth became dominated by the non-OECD from the turn of the millennium; in 2008, they overtook the OECD. China, rightly or wrongly, came to symbolize this ascent, overtaking the EU in 2007, the US in 2010 and the whole of North America last year. Many would have found this hard to believe ten years ago… lire la suite
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Danièle Revel (16 juillet 2014). BP Statistical review of world energy 2014. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/ob5x