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Long-term energy and development pathways for India

Long-term energy and development pathways for India /ed. by Sudhir Chella Rajan. Indo-German Centre for Sustainability at IIT Madras, India, June 2014, 52 p.

Presentation (© :

India is both the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions and home to the largest population of the world’s poor. Climate policy for India must therefore include a strong element of inclusive growth, implying that reducing conditions of deprivation must go hand in hand with reducing overall emissions. A low carbon inclusive growth strategy for India is developed in this study using a transparent, bottom-up scenario modelling effort. The study shows that it is possible for India to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 2005 levels by 2030 and also provide modern energy services to more than half its population who are currently unserved or under-served in this regard. This would entail having to focus on providing energy services to at least the bottom 50 million or so households by providing LPG or advanced electric cookstoves where feasible, access to electricity for lighting, water, sanitation services, improved access to services in urban areas (involving changes in land-use and transport), improved agricultural services, and so on. At the same time, commitments would be required to improve efficiency across the board and increase penetration of renewable energy in electricity generation and to make efforts to shift transport, housing and industry towards more sustainable models.

There are indications that this strategy could provide numerous co-benefits apart from reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving access to clean energy for the poor. These include reduced local air pollution, improved lifestyles and a more productive workforce.

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Danièle Revel (16 juillet 2014). Long-term energy and development pathways for India. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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