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Strategies for financing large-scale carbon capture and storage power plants in China

Strategies for financing large-scale carbon capture and storage power plants in China / Xi Liang, Hengwei Liu, and David Reiner. Energy policy research group, 2014, 25 p. (EPRG 1410)

Authors’s abstract :

Building on previous stakeholder consultations from 2006 to 2010, we conduct a financial analysis for a generic CCS power plant in China. In comparison with conventional thermal generation technologies, a coal-fired power plant with CCS requires either a 70% higher on-grid electricity tariff or carbon price support of approximately US$50/tonne CO2 in the absence of any other incentive mechanisms or financing strategies. Given the difficulties of relying on any one single measure to finance a large-scale CCS power plant in China, we explore a combination of possible financing mechanisms. Potential measures available for increasing the return on the CCS investment include: enhanced oil recovery (EOR), a premium electricity tariff, and operational investment flexibility (e.g. solvent storage, upgradability). A simulation found that combining several financing options could not only provide private investors with a 12% to 18% return on equity (ROE), but also significantly reduce the required on-grid tariff to a level that is very close to the tariff level of existing coal-fired power plants and much lower than the tariffs for natural gas combined cycle and nuclear power plants. Therefore, we suggest that a combination of existing financing measures could trigger private investment in a large-scale CCS power plant in China.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (17 juillet 2014). Strategies for financing large-scale carbon capture and storage power plants in China. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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