Innovative techniques for quantitative scenarios in energy and environmental research.
Call for papers : Innovative Techniques for Quantitative Scenarios in Energy and Environmental Research. Thematic Issue of Environmental Modelling & Software (Elsevier, Impact Factor of 4.538)
More information on CIRED website :
–> Deadline for extended abstracts : 1 December 2014
Scope of this thematic issue :
Quantitative scenarios form the core of the future analysis in energy, climate and environmental research. A growing number of researchers worldwide have started using innovative techniques for developing, analyzing and choosing quantitative scenarios. Some of these techniques involve a large number of scenarios. Different rationales motivate these researchers : better system understanding, uncertainty analysis, development of robust strategies, selection of a small set of scenarios, ability to link storylines with quantitative scenarios. These techniques are tools to provide both novel research insights and policy-relevant scenario exercises. In this light, this TI aims to synthesize the state-of-the-art research with innovative techniques for quantitative scenarios, gather these state-of-the-art techniques into a toolbox, identify knowledge gaps and draw avenues for future research… read more
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (18 septembre 2014). Innovative techniques for quantitative scenarios in energy and environmental research. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse