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The way forward in international climate policy: Key issues and new ideas 2014

The way forward in international climate policy: Key issues and new ideas 2014 / H. de Coninck, A. Sagar, R.Lorch, C.Jaeger, S.Klinsky, C.Schwarte, X. Zhang, J. Garibaldi, C.Rossi & C. Clapp. Climate Strategies ; CDKN, Sept. 2014, 52 p.

Description (© Climate Strategies) :

In May 2014, Climate Strategies and CDKN convened leading climate change academics, policy-advisors and subject matter experts to address some of the critical deadlocks hampering climate negotiations, and to identify new economic, social and political ideas to move the debate forward. This publication presents some of the ideas discussed during the event, the Global Climate Policy Conference. These range from the creation of climate ‘club goods’ to the role of green investment vehicles, technology and innovation in supporting mitigation and adaptation activities. This report also explores the social psychology of messaging and how this applies to our communications with the public and the private sector; and considers how personally held concepts of justice and equity might influence negotiations on adaptation, mitigation and loss and damage.

As scholars have proposed and argued in the past, the days of a single-issue climate treaty may be numbered. Climate change is just one junction in a complicated web of interwoven issues related to development, green growth, sustainability, equity and justice, trade, institutional structures, technology, investments and finance, innovation and competitiveness, to name but a few. Our hope is that these elements, as discussed in this publication, will tell a story that will make a difference in addressing climate change.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (19 septembre 2014). The way forward in international climate policy: Key issues and new ideas 2014. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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