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Key World Energy Statistics 2014

Key World Energy Statistics 2014. Paris : IEA, September 2014, 82 p.

Presentation (© IEA) :

The IEA produced its first handy, pocket-sized summary of key energy data in 1997 and every year since then it has been more and more successful.

Key World Energy Statistics contains timely, clearly-presented data on supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources.

The interested businessman, journalist or student will have at his or her fingertips the annual Australian production of coal, the electricity consumption in Japan, the price of diesel oil in Spain and thousands of other useful energy facts.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (30 septembre 2014). Key World Energy Statistics 2014. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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