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Japan’s Energy Policy in a Post-3/11 World

Japan’s energy policy in a Post-3/11 World: Juggling safety, sustainability and economics / Hikaru Hiranuma, Asie. Visions, n° 72. Paris : IFRI, septembre 2014, 31 p.

Summary (© IFRI) :

The March 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station turned Japan’s energy policy on its head, shedding a harsh new light on Japan’s energy policy and power supply system, and throwing into relief six major problem areas that had largely escaped scrutiny before the disaster.

  1. Fragmentation of the power grid under the regional monopolies of Japan’s 10 “general electric utilities” and the resulting failure to develop the kind of wide-area transmission system needed to transfer electricity from regions with a surplus to those suffering shortages.
  2. The low electric supply capacity of entities other than the 10 regional utilities, making procurement of electric power from other sources difficult.
  3. The lack of effective mechanisms for curtailing demand at times when a reliable electric supply is jeopardized.
  4. The inability of customers to choose a power source or supplier.
  5. The failure to manage the energy risks associated with a shutdown of Japan’s nuclear power plants.
  6. The urgent need to confront the risk of severe accidents and other hazards associated with nuclear power facilities.

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Danièle Revel (3 octobre 2014). Japan’s Energy Policy in a Post-3/11 World. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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