Understanding climate change: Science, policy and practice
Understanding climate change: Science, policy and practice / Sarah L. Burch and Sara E. Harris. University of Toronto Press, 2014, 328 p.
Presentation (© University of Toronto Press) :
Conversations about climate change are filled with challenges involving complex data, deeply held values, and political issues. Understanding Climate Change provides readers with a concise, accessible, and holistic picture of the climate change problem, including both the scientific and human dimensions.
Understanding Climate Change examines climate change as both a scientific and a public policy issue. Sarah L. Burch and Sara E. Harris explain the basics of the climate system, climate models and prediction, and human and biophysical impacts, as well as strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing adaptability, and enabling climate change governance. The authors examine the connections between climate change and other pressing issues, such as human health, poverty, and other environmental problems, and they explore the ways that sustainable responses to climate change can simultaneously address those issues.
An effective and integrated introduction to an urgent and controversial issue, Understanding Climate Change contains the tools needed for students, instructors, and decision-makers to become constructive participants in the human response to climate change.
Presentation (© Waterloo University) :
Given that most discussions of climate change tend to be laden with dense scientific data, entrenched values, and various political dilemmas, is it any wonder that so many people find it hard to engage with this pressing issue? The book, Understanding Climate Change offers a concise, accessible, and holistic picture of the climate change problem, including both the natural and human dimensions… read more
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Danièle Revel (9 octobre 2014). Understanding climate change: Science, policy and practice. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obbc