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Study evaluating the current energy efficiency policy framework in the EU…

Study evaluating the current energy efficiency policy framework in the EU and providing orientation on policy options for realising the cost-effective energyefficiency/saving potential until 2020 and beyond / Wolfgang Eichhammer, et al. European Commission. DG Energy, September 2014, 204 p.

Executive summary :

The analysis of this study has two main objectives: (i) to report on the evaluation of the achievement of the 2020 energy efficiency target of 20%; (ii) to discuss energy efficiency potentials in two different time horizons (2020, 2030) mainly in view of a 2030 target frame for energy efficiency. For this purpose we carried out the following tasks:
• Assessment of the effectiveness of a target selection of national measures and policies up to 2020 (Bottom-up policy analysis of Art. 3 of the EED).
• Decomposition analysis of past energy efficiency achievements (2000-2012 and 2008-12) based on Eurostat data and projection to 2020
• Bottom-up modelling analysis of policies up to 2020 based on national and EU policies
• Bottom-up modelling of energy efficiency potentials up to 2030


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Danièle Revel (10 octobre 2014). Study evaluating the current energy efficiency policy framework in the EU… Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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