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The ‘Unknown Knowns’ of the Global Gas Market

The ‘Unknown Knowns’ of the Global Gas Market / Paolo Natali . Brussels : CEPS, October 2014, 13 p.

Abstract (© CEPS) :

Energy markets evolve at least as quickly as the economies they fuel. But development unfolds at an irregular pace, with starts and stops often precipitated by seemingly unpredictable dynamics. Is it really impossible to forecast these ‘revolutions’, if the past can be seen as prologue? The answer might be in the way we look at future events; even if we accept that some events are unpredictable, we may be able to infer much more about the future trends through a broader reading of available data, thus revealing ‘unknown knowns’ that may be useful in understanding paradigm shifts ahead.

This paper presents an analysis of the global gas market, offering views on what the most relevant ‘unknown knowns’ of today look like, and hypotheses about some of the possible game-changing events that the market is likely to face in the short to medium term.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (20 octobre 2014). The ‘Unknown Knowns’ of the Global Gas Market. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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