Climate Change Risk Management
Climate Change Risk Management / P.A.T. Higgins. American Meteorological Society, Washington, DC., 2014, 28 p. (An AMS Policy Program Study)
Key Findings and Recommendations (© American Meteorological Society) :
As a public and policy issue, climate change boils down to four overarching issues: 1) climate is changing; 2) people are causing climate to change; 3) the societal consequences of climate change are highly uncertain but include the potential for serious impacts; and 4) there are numerous policy options for climate change risk management, most of which are well characterized (i.e., have known strengths and weaknesses). These four conclusions are based on comprehensive assessment of scientific understanding and each is the result of multiple independent lines of evidence.
Climate change risk management approaches generally fall into four broad categories: 1) mitigation—efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; 2) adaptation—increasing society’s capacity to cope with changes in climate; 3) geoengineering or climate engineering—additional, deliberate manipulation of the earth system that is intended to counteract at least some of the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions; and 4) knowledge-base expansion—efforts to learn and understand more about the climate system, which can help support proactive risk management… read more
–> About the report : Options for climate change policy well characterized, study says, Science Daily, 25/10/2014
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Danièle Revel (27 octobre 2014). Climate Change Risk Management. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse