Climate change 2014 : synthesis report
Climate change 2014 : synthesis report. Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). IPCC, Nov. 2014, 116 p.
–> Summary for Policymakers
–> Synthesis Report – Longer Report
–> Headline Statements
–> Factsheet
–> Quick link to report PDFs
The Synthesis Report distils and integrates the findings of the three working group contributions to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report — the most comprehensive assessment of climate change yet undertaken, produced by hundreds of scientists — as well as the two Special Reports produced during this cycle.
–> A few comments :
The Final Stage of IPCC AR5 – Last Week’s Outcome in Copenhagen / Robert Stavins, An Economic View of the Environment, 4/11/2014
Some of you may recall that following the Government Approval Sessions for the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of Working Group 3 (WG3) of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Berlin last spring, I expressed my disappointment and dismay regarding that process and its outcome in regard to the greatly abbreviated text of the SPM on the topic for which I was responsible, “International and Regional Cooperation.” I expressed my frustration (and my hopes for the future) in two essays at this blog…
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: the final act / Carlo Carraro, blog, 7/11/2014
The science is clear. The impacts of climate change pose a profound risk to the balance of social, environmental, economic and political systems. It is a cross-cutting issue that will hit the poorest, the most vulnerable and the least educated the hardest. Further, it will increasingly hinder efforts to fight poverty and hunger. The choices we make today are critical for they determine the future, both near and far, of our socio-economic systems…
The Total Cost of Climate Policy Isn’t What Matters Most / Michael Levi, Energy, security, and Climate, 3/11/2014
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is out with its synthesis report and the coverage, beyond warning of the consequences from unfettered emissions, has emphasized that tackling the problem would shave only 0.06 percentage points off annual global growth. That’s almost certainly wrong – realistic models would predict higher figures – but, when it comes to the cost of climate policy, not what really matters…
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Danièle Revel (12 novembre 2014). Climate change 2014 : synthesis report. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse