Europe’s Energy Essentials
Europe’s Energy Essentials / Ana Palacio, Project Syndicate, 3/11/2014
At last month’s European Council meeting in Brussels, energy issues dominated the agenda – for the third time this year. Energy’s emergence as a focal point for European leaders makes sense, given that it lies at the confluence of the three existential threats facing the European Union: a revisionist Russia, the declining competitiveness of European businesses, and climate change. As these developments challenge Europe’s values, its social model’s viability, and the world’s long-term security, EU leaders must focus on building a new energy system that ensures a reliable supply, sensible pricing, and ecological sustainability…
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Danièle Revel (12 novembre 2014). Europe’s Energy Essentials. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse