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New China-Russia Gas Pact Is No Big Deal

New China-Russia Gas Pact Is No Big Deal / Meghan L. O’Sullivan, Harvard Kennedy School, Bloomberg View, 14/11/2014.

The latest China-Russia gas deal, declared on the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Beijing this week, got far more attention than it deserved.  Eager to add fuel to the narrative of an emerging strategic relationship between Beijing and Moscow, commentators pronounced the deal as a game-changer, a symbol of a new partnership between long-estranged countries.  Yet, a look beyond the words of Russian gas executives (always a good idea) suggests that there is much more hype than substance here. The deal seems to be little more than an effort to ensure that Putin did not leave China empty-handed, particularly in the wake of a big U.S.-China declaration on climate…

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Danièle Revel (17 novembre 2014). New China-Russia Gas Pact Is No Big Deal. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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