Certain Normative Aspects of the Institutional Architecture of Global Energy Governance

Certain Normative Aspects of the Institutional Architecture of Global Energy Governance / Rafael Leal-Arcas & Andrew Filis. In : Boulle, L., Laryea, E. and Sucker, F. (eds.), International Economic Law and African Development, November 2014, pp. 27-60


Authors’s abstract:

The objective of this chapter is to promote global energy security by evaluating the existing patchwork of institutions and processes linked to the governance of the global energy economy. What we mean by global energy security is the satisfaction of humankind’s energy needs to maintain lifestyle levels in the developed world and to promote development and improve the quality of life across the world, including least-developed and developing countries. The chapter focuses on the global energy economy, its fragmented governance and its implications for global energy security. Inter-State governance over the global energy economy is neither global nor cohesive. Rather, the various aspects pertinent to it – amongst others, economic development, climate change, trade, investment protection, finance and human security – are managed in a disparate and disjointed manner. What is more, the absence of a global energy security regime to address global – i.e., humankind’s collective – energy needs justifies the need to investigate the implications of the current state of play for global energy security. To do so, we will examine all relevant institutions and processes linked to the global energy economy in order to assess their individual and combined implications for global energy security. This chapter therefore aims to promote an understanding of, and an attitude towards, the global energy economy that acknowledges that it is a composite affair with a high degree of interplay between its constituent parts, and that there are systemic reasons why the current state of play fails to address global energy security needs.

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Danièle Revel (20 novembre 2014). Certain Normative Aspects of the Institutional Architecture of Global Energy Governance. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obex

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