Want, waste or war? The global resource nexus and the struggle for land, energy, food, water and minerals
Want, waste or war? The global resource nexus and the struggle for land, energy, food, water and minerals / Philip Andrews-Speed, Raimund Bleischwitz, Tim Boersma, Corey Johnson, Geoffrey Kemp, Stacy D. VanDeveer. Routledge, 2015, 230 p.
Description (© Routledge) :
In addition to environmental change, the structure and trends of global politics and the economy are also changing as more countries join the ranks of the world’s largest economies with their resource-intensive patterns. The nexus approach, conceptualized as attention to resource connections and their governance ramifications, calls attention to the sustainability of contemporary consumer resource use, lifestyles and supply chains. This book sets out an analytical framework for understanding these nexus issues and the related governance challenges and opportunities… read more
Contents :
Part 1: Struggling in the Global Resource Nexus
1. Introduction: Resource Struggles and Hard Choices
2. Understanding the Resource Nexus
Part 2: The Three Realms of the Nexus
3. Managing Markets under Stress
4. Strategic Interests and Interstate Conflicts
5. Rethinking Human Security: The Nexus on the Ground
Part 3: Cases and Controversies
6. Shale Gas in the US: Games Unchanged?
7. Climate Change and Security: Follow the Money and the Plans
8. Gated Globalism: Migration and Borders
9. Resource Scarcity, Political Outbidding and Potential for Conflict in the Nile River Basin
10. Nitrogen Fertilizer and Food in the Nexus
11. Lifestyle Changes and Resource Efficiency: Opportunities to Bend the Curves?
Part 4: Conclusions
12. Facing up to the Nexus Challenge: Avoiding Waste, Want and War
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (8 décembre 2014). Want, waste or war? The global resource nexus and the struggle for land, energy, food, water and minerals. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obge