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The Lima deal : differentiation ends, negotiations begin for sharing for the global carbon budget

The Lima deal : differentiation ends, negotiations begin for sharing for the global carbon budget / Mukul Sanwal, Director UNFCCC 1995-2007. Nuestras Ciudades – Noticias sobre Urbanismo en LatinoAmerica, 15/12/2014

Time to consider climate change as a social and energy rather than a physical and environmental problem.

Lima witnessed the end game of a 20 year old negotiation around doing away with differentiation between countries at different levels of development and the beginning of negotiations on a global pact for sharing the carbon budget. It is all about geopolitics, not about the global environment.

The Lima Call for Climate Action recognises that the national actions under the new regime will continue to focus on achieving the objective of the Convention and will address in a balanced manner mitigation, adaptation, finance, and technology transfer and development, as currently provided in the Convention. However, the new regime will “reflect”, rather than be based on, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and fairness is referred to in terms of national circumstances rather than historical responsibility. Consequently, developed countries will “provide and mobilize financial resources” and there is no reference to technology transfer. “Loss and damage” is relegated to the preamble. In effect, the principles of the Convention will not apply to the new regime and in this respect it echoes the China-United States Climate Agreement…

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Danièle Revel (16 décembre 2014). The Lima deal : differentiation ends, negotiations begin for sharing for the global carbon budget. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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