Lima Climate Report – COP20 Moves at Snails’ Pace on the Road to Paris
Lima Climate Report – COP20 Moves at Snails’ Pace on the Road to Paris : A First Assessment of the Climate Conference in Lima (COP20 / CMP 10) / Hermann Ott, Christof Arens, Lukas Hermwille, Florian Mersmann, Wolfgang Obergassel, Hanna Wang-Helmreich and Timon Wehnert. Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and energy, Dec. 2014, 14 p.
This year’s annual United Nations Climate Change Conference took place from 1 to 12 December in Lima/Peru. While in the run-up to the conference, China and the US in a surprise bilateral move had announced plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions that exceeded expectations, the conference was characterised once again by a deep division between key players from the former so-called “developed” and “developing” world. The negotiations thus took 32 hours longer than planned and ended on Sunday morning at 1.22 am. More importantly, the conference failed almost completely to resolve the tasks it was supposed to do in order to prepare the last round of negotiations before next year’s conference in Paris 2015, which is supposed to deliver a comprehensive future climate agreement. A team of researchers from the Wuppertal Institute attended the conference and has compiled a first assessment of the results. (copyright © Lukas Hermwille)
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Danièle Revel (18 décembre 2014). Lima Climate Report – COP20 Moves at Snails’ Pace on the Road to Paris. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 14 septembre 2024 à l’adresse