Turn down the heat : confronting the new climate normal
Turn down the heat : confronting the new climate normal (Vol. 2) : Main report. Washington : World Bank, 2014, 320 p. (working paper ; 92704)
Abstract (© World Bank) :
This third report in the Turn Down the Heat series covers three World Bank regions: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC); the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); and parts of Europe and Central Asia (ECA). The focus is on the risks of climate change to development. While covering a range of sectors, special attention is paid to projected impacts on food and energy systems, water resources, and ecosystem services. The report also considers the social vulnerability that could magnify or moderate the climate change repercussions for human well-being. The report complements the first Turn Down the Heat report (2012) that offered a global overview of climate change and its impacts in a 4 degrees Celsius world and concluded that impacts are expected to be felt disproportionately in developing countries around the equatorial regions. Also, it extends the analysis in the second report (2013) that focused on the consequences of climate change for present day, 2 degrees Celsius, and 4 degrees Celsius warming above pre-industrial levels in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and South East Asia and demonstrated the potential of early onset impacts at lower levels of warming.
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Danièle Revel (8 janvier 2015). Turn down the heat : confronting the new climate normal. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/obim