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How the shale oil revolution has affected US oil and gasoline prices

How the shale oil revolution has affected US oil and gasoline prices / Lutz Kilian, Professor of Economics, University of Michigan; and Research Fellow at CEPR, Vox, 14/01/2015

The recent expansion of US shale oil production has captured the imagination of policymakers and industry analysts. It has fuelled visions of the US becoming independent of oil imports, of cheap US gasoline, of a rebirth of US manufacturing, and of net oil exports improving the US current account. This column asks how plausible these visions are, and examines the evidence to date…

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Danièle Revel (14 janvier 2015). How the shale oil revolution has affected US oil and gasoline prices. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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