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Energy subsidies in developing countries: Treating the disease while symptoms abate

Energy subsidies in developing countries: Treating the disease while symptoms abate / David Coady & Baoping Shang, Vox, 13/01/2015

The adverse effects of energy subsidies have been widely documented. While recent decreases in international oil prices have provided a welcome respite, past experience has highlighted the need for caution. This column argues that to make this respite a permanent gain will require the removal of government discretion in determining domestic energy prices. Adoption of an automatic energy pricing mechanism, possibly with in-built short-term price smoothing, can help prevent the return of subsidies and prepare the way for eventual price deregulation…

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Danièle Revel (14 janvier 2015). Energy subsidies in developing countries: Treating the disease while symptoms abate. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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