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Clarifying Sustainable Development Concepts Through Role playing

Clarifying Sustainable Development Concepts Through Role playing / Odile Blanchard & Arnaud Buchs. Simulation and Gaming, first published online January 13, 2015, 16 p.

Pre-print :

Authors’s abstract :

The article aims at assessing the effectiveness of a role-play in addressing two concerns : clarifying the concept of sustainable development and teaching sustainable development issues. The effectiveness is gauged by surveying students to reveal how the game matches a set of “significant learning” criteria defined by Fink (2003).

- Firstly, our article brings a short overview of how the concept of sustainable development has emerged and spread over time.

- Secondly, in order to assess the learning potential of our role-play, we examine how it addresses the six components of Fink’s taxonomy of “significant learning” : (i) foundational knowledge, (ii) application, (iii) integration, (iv) human dimensions, (v) caring and, (vi) learning how to learn. This taxonomy is analysed through a rigorous assessment methodology.

The assessment shows that our role-play is highly praised by the players as it not only brings them foundational knowledge, but also allows them to enhance many skills. Thus, the framework of this role-play contributes to educating about sustainable development as well as educating for sustainable development.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (15 janvier 2015). Clarifying Sustainable Development Concepts Through Role playing. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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