Connecting Mediterranean countries through electricity corridors
Connecting Mediterranean countries through electricity corridors : New Institutional Economic and regulatory analysis / Haikel Khalfallah. Utilities Policy, vol. 32, March 2015, pp. 45-54
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Author’s abstract :
A super grid connecting the two shores of the Mediterranean could help Europe meet its targets for integrating renewable energy. This paper assesses the business models for building a platform for wholesale renewable energy trade via electricity corridors linking the two regions of the Mediterranean basin. We demonstrate that the optimal framework for designing the corridor project is a long-term contractual agreement to coordinate bilaterally the necessary investments. Furthermore a hybrid governance structure requiring only limited regulatory adaptation seems to be the most efficient structure for facilitating investment in the corridor’s infrastructure.
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Danièle Revel (3 février 2015). Connecting Mediterranean countries through electricity corridors. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse