Too much energy ? Asia at 2030
Too much energy ? Asia at 2030 / Dan Blumenthal & Derek M. Scissors, dirs. American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2015, 86 p.
This AEI report strives to shed light on these uncertainties with the aim of providing realistic scenarios for the global energy outlook to 2030.
Contents :
- The US Energy Outlook / James A. Slutz
- The Chinese Energy Outlook / Derek M. Scissors
- The Middle East Energy Outlook / Sara Vakhshouri
- The Russian Energy Outlook / Andreas Goldthau
- Net Energy Demand Scenarios, 2015–30 / Derek M. Scissors
- China, the United States, and the Geopolitics of Energy / Dan Blumenthal
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Danièle Revel (27 février 2015). Too much energy ? Asia at 2030. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse