Europe’s ‘Energy Union’ plan: a reasonable start to a long journey
Europe’s ‘Energy Union’ plan: a reasonable start to a long journey / David Buchan & Malcolm Keay. OIES, March 2015, 5 p. (Oxford energy comment)
The European Commission has unveiled its plan for “an Energy Union”, an initiative triggered by the Ukraine crisis’ implications for gas security, but which has now taken on a far wider dimension. It appears to have political momentum, although it lacks crucial detail, especially on governance and supervision of the many proposed improvements. Nonetheless, it is a major step forward in at last displaying a joined-up approach to energy and climate policy such as using demand response to integrate renewables into Europe’s electricity market. (© OIES)
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Danièle Revel (3 mars 2015). Europe’s ‘Energy Union’ plan: a reasonable start to a long journey. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse