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Revue des blogs mardi 10 mars 2015

◊ Urgent market stability reserve: Important for clean energy investment / Karsten Neuhoff, Vox, 7/03/2015

◊ A Bright Future for Clean Technology / Jon Creyts, managing director at Rocky Mountain Institute & Martin Stuchtey Director of the McKinsey Center for Business & Environment, Project Syndicate, 5/03/2015

Observers might be forgiven for thinking that so-called clean technology’s moment in the sun has passed. Over the last two years, many clean-tech equity indexes have performed poorly. In Europe, solar power took a hit after the European Commission decided to phase out subsidies for renewable energy by 2017. The installation of solar panels fell by nearly 60% in Germany in 2013, and by 70% in Italy. Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, less than 30% of early-stage venture-capital-funded clean-tech deals were financed…

◊ Better Ways to Stop Natural Gas Pipeline Leaks / Andrew Campbell, Energy Institute at Haas blog, 9/03/2015

Carbon dioxide has received the bulk of policymakers’ attention as the villain of climate change. Now, its henchman methane is facing scrutiny. Methane is an attractive target. It is much nastier than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Over one hundred years, a kilogram of methane has a 28-times greater impact on global warming than a single kilogram of carbon dioxide…

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Danièle Revel (10 mars 2015). Revue des blogs mardi 10 mars 2015. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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