Africa’s Adaptation Gap 2: Bridging the gap – mobilising sources
Africa’s Adaptation Gap 2: Bridging the gap – mobilising sources : technical report. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ; Climate Analytics ; African Climate Finance, 2015, 67 p.
Abstract (© UNEP) :
Climate change represents a clear and present danger to the development prospects of Africa. African countries are going to have to adapt to protect their peoples from the harsh impacts of climate change and to ensure that they are not derailed from their current development pathways. Developed country Parties to the Climate Convention committed to “assist the developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting costs of adaptation to those adverse effects.” (UNFCCC Articles 4.3 and 4.4) The first edition of Africa’s Adaptation Gap Technical report (AAGr1) in 2013 provided an overview of the most relevant impacts of climate change in different sectors across Africa, as well as cost estimates for adaptation. This report (2015 AAGr2) is directed towards exploring the extent to which African countries can contribute to closing the adaptation gap, in order to better understand the gap in the resources that will be needed and, thereby, the likely extent to which international climate finance must be urgently raised, leveraged and deployed in service of Africa’s pressing adaptation needs.
–> A ce propos :
Afrique : les coûts de l’adaptation au changement climatique devraient augmenter, Actualités news environnement, 5/03/2015
Un nouveau rapport du rapport programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement (PNUE) affirme que pour épargner le continent des pires effets du changement climatique, une réduction des émissions mondiales ambitieuses et un financement accru et novateur pour l’adaptation sont nécessaires. Selon le rapport, les coûts de l’adaptation au changement climatique pourraient s’élever à 50 milliards de dollars par an d’ici 2050, en dépit des efforts internationaux pour limiter la hausse des températures en dessous des 2°C au cours de ce siècle, peut-on lire dans un communiqué de presse…
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Danièle Revel (18 mars 2015). Africa’s Adaptation Gap 2: Bridging the gap – mobilising sources. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse