Assessing the missed benefits of countries’ national contributions
Assessing the missed benefits of countries’ national contributions: Results and methodology to quantify the possible cobenefits from ambitious greenhouse gas reductions of countries / Niklas Höhne, Thomas Day, Gesine Hänsel, Hanna Fekete. Nex Climate Institute, 30 March 2015, 44 p.
Presentation (© NewClimate Institute) :
This report elaborated by NewClimate Institute with support from Climate Action Network (CAN), investigates the co-benefits associated with countries’ Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).
This report first provides an overview of the general co-benefits that climate action may have and how they could be used to incentivise further ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. We then provide illustrative results for the cobenefits achieved by the INDCs of the U.S., China and the EU, as well as an indication of the forgone or missed benefits that could have been achieved by 2°C compatible action.
Table of contents :
2. Co-benefits of climate change mitigation
3. Benefits and challenges of linking mitigation measures and co-benefits
4. Illustrative results for co-benefits of INDCs
4.1 Methodology
4.2 European Union
4.2.1 Reduced fossil fuel imports
4.2.2 Reduced air pollution
4.2.3 Creation of green jobs
4.3 United States
4.3.1 Reduced fossil fuel imports
4.3.2 Reduced air pollution
4.3.3 Creation of green jobs
4.4 China
4.4.1 Reduced fossil fuel imports
4.4.2 Reduced air pollution
4.4.3 Creation of green jobs
5. Summary
Annex I – Detailed methodologies
Current policies scenario
INDC pathway
2°C compatible pathway
Reduced fossil fuel imports
Reduced air pollution
Green jobs from renewable energy
–> A propos de cette étude :
Limiting climate change could have huge economic benefits, study finds, the Guardian, 31/03/2015
Un million d’emplois verts prévus d’ici 2030 en Chine, aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, ActualitesNewsEnvironnement, 31/03/2015
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Danièle Revel (1 avril 2015). Assessing the missed benefits of countries’ national contributions. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 12 septembre 2024 à l’adresse