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Lobbying by Trade Associations on EU Climate Policy

Lobbying by Trade Associations on EU Climate Policy / Ben Fagan-Watson, Bridget Elliott & Tom Watson. London : Policy Studies Institute, March 2015, 87 p.

Background, summary and aims (© PSI) :

Climate change has been recognised as one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. Its impacts and the way that we choose to deal with them will profoundly affect the way that business and society operates. This report focuses on European Union (EU) climate policy – the governance structures, rules and regulations that have been put in place at the EU level to attempt to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Specifically, it focuses on how and why trade associations representing industrial sectors or broader business interests have lobbied on EU climate policy, and the impact that they have had on the policymaking process. The report then goes on to discuss whether the impacts of this lobbying align with the stated policies of the companies that are members of these trade associations… read more

–> Sur ce rapport :

Climat ou business, un choix qui rend les entreprises schizophrènes, EurActiv, 2/04/2015

Les structures de lobbying groupées, comme le Medef européen, tentent de faire ralentir l’UE sur les questions climatiques. Une situation qui devrait faire réfléchir leurs membres, estime un rapport universitaire…

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Danièle Revel (2 avril 2015). Lobbying by Trade Associations on EU Climate Policy. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 18 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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