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Energy access realities in urban poor communities of developing countries

Energy access realities in urban poor communities of developing countries: assessments and recommendations. Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD), March 2015, 32 p.

Presentation :
A report by the Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD) on energy access among the urban poor in developing countries calls for recognizing electricity as a basic urban service and promoting related enabling conditions. This summary report presents the results of research by the network that has sought to bridge the gap in understanding the current clean energy access situation among the urban poor in developing countries, and related barriers and potential solutions. The report, titled ‘Energy Access Realities in Urban Poor Communities of Developing Countries: Assessments and Recommendations,’ presents a summary for policymakers of work under the third phase of GNESD’s Urban Peri-Urban Energy Access (UPEA) theme, which has included technical country reports and a synthesis report produced by seven GNESD Centres of Excellence in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The report provides a comprehensive view of the clean energy access situation in urban and peri-urban areas in developing countries, including policy recommendations for improvements. The study: identifies specific barriers to energy access on the demand- and supply-sides; analyzes urban and energy policies, and recommends measures for addressing them; and identifies solutions and good practices for enhanced energy access in urban settlements. read more

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Danièle Revel (10 avril 2015). Energy access realities in urban poor communities of developing countries. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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